Lehrerfortbildung: Cultures of the U.S. South

Freitag 28.09.18 - 14:00 Uhr

Abendkasse k.A.


Cultures of the U.S. South Teacher Training Workshop with Christianna Stavroudis

Zum neuen Englischabitur-Thema: „The Ambiguity of Belonging“

Teacher Training Workshop with Christianna Stavroudis, Cologne University of Applied Sciences. The American South is simultaneously a region of profound poverty and tremendous cultural diversity. Understanding the various mentalities, worldviews, and histories that inform its wealth of communities and subcultures is crucial to attaining a nuanced and complete picture of the United States and its political and social development. In this workshop, we will be taking a closer look at the cultural output from this region, specifically the state of Mississippi. We will explore how its integration into the classroom, especially in regards to the focus topic, can equip pupils with a more accurate image of the United States. Additionally, we will explore tools for investigating marginalized voices.

Christianna Stavroudis is an American instructor at the Institute for Translation and Multilingual Communication at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences. In 2017, she was awarded the 2017 University of Bonn Teaching Prize.

Ort: d.a.i.-Saal
Eintritt: 15 € / Referendare und d.a.i.-Mitglieder 10 €
Anmeldung bis 21.9. unter online oder im d.a.i.-Sekretariat unter 07071/795 260

Eine Kooopration mit dem Förderverein des Staatlichen Seminars für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung Tübingen (FörST)
